As a final note on HTML parsing, you reviewed how to use the DOM extension solely for the purpose of converting back into SimpleXML, for a unified interface to all XML-like languages. 关于HTML解析的最后一点说明是,对于所有XML类语言的一个统一接口,您复习了如何只使用DOM扩展将HTML转换回SimpleXML。
One final dependency: the XJConf for PHP package requires that you enable the xmlreader extension of PHP. 最后一点要求:XJConfforPHP需要启用PHP的xmlreader扩展。
In the final SCA composite file for the application, notice that the addition of JScript and Groovy components is a Tuscany-specific extension to the SCA specification. 在应用程序的最后一个SCA复合文件中,注意添加的JScript和Groovy组件是对SCA规范的特定于Tuscany的扩展。
The final task is to generate the ZIP file itself, which is handled with an extension as well. 最后的任务是要生成ZIP文件本身,这也是通过一个扩展来处理的。
The final step is to define the index extension itself and the user-defined predicates that can make use of an extended index. 最后一步是定义索引扩展本身和可以使用扩展索引的用户定义谓词。
The final step is to write the code that creates and populates the extension point ( s) you're interested in. 最后一步是编写创建和填充感兴趣的扩展点的代码。
The final step before writing PHP code is to load the extension. 在开始编写PHP代码之前,最后一步是加载这个扩展。
Exemplary student work from the first project, Made Public, and the final project, Body Extension, is on display in the projects section. 专题部份展示学生作品范例,包括第一个专题《面向大众》和最后一个专题《身体延展》。
Instead of collecting all the output and processing it on a single thread, the final function called is passed to each thread via the ForAll extension method. 该方法并不需要实现收集到所有的输出,然后在单一的线程中处理,而是将最终调用的函数通过ForAll扩展传递到每个线程中。
A final thing that you can focus on is making sure you're reaching forward with your arm recovery and extension, rather than reaching across your body when your arm enters the water. 最后你还需要关注一件事情,确保你移臂的时候手臂向前伸,而不是手臂进入水中以后穿过身体中线。
Gill also said nothing sinister was to be drawn from the fact Berbatov was the only player at the club in the final year of his contract not yet to be offered an extension. 吉尔也说贝巴作为俱乐部唯一进入合同年还没有续约的球员也不需要被过度解读。
Final Warning Letter for Building Covenant Extension to Small House Grantee 发给小型屋宇承批人的延长建筑规约限期最后警告书
Three kinds of extension transformation in extension engineering method are adopted which enrich the mutation patterns in genetic algorithm. Final experiment proves that the extension genetic algorithms effectively improve the speed and accuracy in robot path planning. 采用可拓工程方法中的三种可拓变换形式,丰富了遗传算法的变异方式.实验证明,可拓遗传算法的机器人路径规划能有效提高的机器人路径规划的速度和准确性。
Final goal of urban function extension is that Dalian should realizes modernize and internationalization. 城市功能扩展的目的是使大连以强大的辐射力和渗透力带动和影响周遍地区经济发展,最终实现大连市城市现代化、城市国际化和城市可持续发展。
Solving Fan-shaped structure of the board, we just analyze the half model. Set the symmetry constraints and the final extension. 针对扇形板的结构,只需对其二分之一模型进行分析,设置对称约束,最后扩展。
The pulmonary interstitial fibrosis ( Abbreviation as PIF) is the final extension of many kinds of diffuse pulmonary interstitial diseases. 肺间质纤维化是多种弥漫性肺间质疾病的最终转归。
The customer ( BGGC) has full confidence on the final result of system upgrade and extension. 客户对系统升级的效果及今后平稳运行充满信心。
Then analyzes the angular speed of the cleaning brush and speed of the vehicle influence on clean performance of the cleaning brush. The final analysis work torque of the torsion spring in the shovel knife device and load of the extension spring in the cleaning brush device. 根据仿真结果分析清洁刷的转速及清理维护车的车速对清洁刷清洁性能的影响,还通过分析得出铲刀装置中扭转弹簧所需的工作扭矩及清洁刷装置中拉伸弹簧的载荷等。
In the final part according to the test situation of whole system, other data services 'characteristics are analyzed and corresponding services extension methods are raised up which could be used in future dial-test system optimization. 本文最后根据系统的试运行期间的测试情况,分析其他数据类业务的特点,提出了相应的系统业务扩展方式,为以后完善拨测系统提供了思路。
As the final medium of brand, a product plays a significant role in the success of the brand extension strategy. 产品作为品牌的最终载体,对品牌延伸战略的成功与有着至关重要的作用。
The multiplex amplification conditions such as the concentration of primer, Mg2+, Taq enzyme, anneal temperature, cycle times, and the time of pre-denaturation, final extension were optimized. 调节各基因座引物浓度、Mg2+浓度、Taq酶浓度、退火温度、循环次数、预变性时间、延伸时间等条件对复合体系进行优化,得到最佳的反应条件。
The final article, in the extension of the connotation of fault to victims based on the argument put forward the legislative and judicial advice. 文章的最后,在对被害人过错的内涵外延论证的基础上,提出了立法和司法建议。